Housing Wanted Al Bawadi

  1. SAR 1000/month, 1Dedicated Room Including Electricity Bathroom Rest Room ,Kitchen & Hall For Single Person - (JEDDAH AL BAWADI) - rooms wanted
  1. SAR 1050/month, Room
    Al bawadi jeddah
    rooms wanted
  1. SAR 600/month, Furnished, Sharing Room With Separate Washroom Plus Sharing Kitchen - (Al Bawadi - Street Quraish) - rooms wanted
  1. Looking For A Single Room Wid Seperate Bath For A Bachelor For Short Term 3-4 Months Only. - short-term housing wanted
  1. Studio, I Need An Apartment Of 2 Rooms For My Family In Jeddah Bawadi Near Shahra E Quraish - (Jeddah al bawadi) - apts/flats/houses/villas wanted
  1. SAR 300500/month, Furnished, Looking For A Bedspace - (Al Makarunah, Ar Rabwah) - bedspace wanted

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