- Cat : P & D ) MSN From/To Airport ✈️ To Al Shemasi Or Other Area To Airport Only - 08/02
🏏🥍⚽️ Ip'tv Service-for Indian-Pakistn-live Chanels-movis-workng SMART TV-Laptop- M
- Pick And Drop In Any.where In Riyadh - (Pick and drop any where in riyadh)
- Pick & Drop Service Available - (SHAMESHI ● Jaradiyah)
Pick And Drop Service
- Cat : P & D ) From/To Airport ✈️ To Al Shemasi Or Other Areas To Airport Only - 05/01
- Giving A Service Of Pick And Drop - (Shamesi sulemania jaradiya aziziya bathha shifa ul)
- Cat : P & D ) From/To Airport ✈️ To Al Shemasi Or Other Areas To Airport Only - 18/12
- Pickup And Drop Off - (Near Qasarmall)
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