Rooms for Rent Hasa-Hofuf

  1. SAR 1000/month, Separate Room
  1. SAR 1000/month, Furnished, Room For Executive Bachelor @SR 1000
  1. SAR 80/day, Furnished, Sharing My Another Room With Fully Furnished - (King Fahd hospital gate 5 opposite)
  1. SAR 800/month, Room Available
    Hofof Al Azizia Round About
  1. SAR 950/month, Fully Furnished Room
    Salmaniyah 4 Near Lulu Market
  1. Furnished, 2 BHK , Full Firnished With Washing Mechine & Fridge
    Al-Hasa ,hofuf
  1. SAR 1200/month, Furnished, Executive Bachelor Accomidation
  1. Furnished, Big Sharing Room @ SR 550 Each
  1. Labour Camp & Workshops For Rent
    9 Rooms Available in Exellent Location Good for Sa
  1. SAR 6000/year, Furnished, Batchelor Room Available

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