Household Items For Sale Salamah

  1. SAR 100, Nikai Pedestal Fan With Remote @100 Just 45 Days Used
    Nikai pedestal fan with remote @100 SAR
  1. SAR 100, Used Mattres
  2. SAR 180, Medicate Comfortable Mattres Made In Ksa
  3. SAR 28, Used Cricket Bat For Sale..
    zahra, salamah, ruwais, safa, nayeem, Rehab, Azizi
  4. SAR 800, Selling Washing Mashine,
  1. SAR 1, = For Diabetic ==Nahdi Safety Lancets==New.
    zahra, salamah, ruwais, safa, nayeem, Rehab, Azizi
  1. SAR 120, Pedestal Fan
  1. SAR 350, Refrigerator In Excellent Working Condition.
    Al salamah ishara khulais near radi halal hotal.
  2. SAR 450, Referegritor In Excellent Condition
    Hya al salam
  1. SAR 200, Single Bed Set Without Mattress 0542149375 Salamah
    As Salamah
  1. SAR 200, SAR 200 TV Stand For Sale
  1. SAR 150, Plastic Cabinet
    Al Salamah District
  1. SAR 250, SAR 250, Dining Table With Chait / Very Good Condition / SR 250 / Contact?0565684502
    As Salamah, Jeddah

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