1. BHD 6000, Industrial Warehouse / Factory With Overhead Crane
  1. BHD 250, 200 Sq. Meter, For Wearhouse
  1. BHD 830, 336 Sq. Meter, Workshop Warehouse For Rent In Asker Ras Zuied
  2. BHD 1700, 600 Sq. Meter, For Rent Workshop Warehouse Near Alba
    Near Alba
  1. BHD 3100, Factory
  1. BHD 3100, Industrial Workshop / Factory With OH Crane In Ras Zuwaid , Opp.ALBA
  2. BHD 1400, Industrial Workshop / Garage (566 Sqm ) For Rent In Ras Zuwaid , Opp.ALBA
  3. BHD 1680, Factory / Warehouse / Workshop ( 600 Sqm ) In Askar Near ALBA
  1. BHD 6000, Prime Industrial Factory/Workshop/Warehouse For Lease In Ras Zuwaid
  1. BHD 3100, Factory
  1. BHD 6000, Factory / Workshop / Warehouse For Leasing In Ras Zuwaid
  1. BHD 1400, Industrial Workshop / Garage (566 Sqm ) For Rent In Ras Zuwaid , Opp.ALBA
  1. BHD 2000, Food Processing With Freezer Room Facility In Ras Zuwaid
  1. BHD 2500, Factory / Workshop / Warehouse For Rent In Askar Near ALBA

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