Commercial Property Budaiya

  1. BHD 1500, 300 Sq. Meter, COMMERCIAL VILLA FOR RENT IN BUDAIYA ROAD (Mb.34028555) - (BUDAIYA) - commercial villas
  2. BHD 550, SHOP FOR RENT IN BUDAIYA(Cont.34028555) - (BUDAIYA) - shops
  1. BHD 750, 170 Sq. Meter, 170 Square Metre Office Space For Rent. - (Budaiya Highway) - offices
  2. BHD 1080, 440 Sq. Meter, 440 Square Metre Office Space For Rent. - (Budaiya Highway) - offices
  3. BHD 1200, 120 Sq. Meter, Shop / Showroom For Rent. - (Budaiya Highway) - shops
  1. BHD 900, 80 Sq. Meter, SHOPS FOR RENT BUDAIYA ROAD(Mb.34028555) - (BUDAIYA) - shops
  2. BHD 1500, 300 Sq. Meter, COMMERCIAL VILLA FOR RENT IN BUDAIYA ROAD - commercial villas
  1. BHD 6000, 550 Sq. Meter, Budaiya#showroom Avileble 550 Sqare Meters @6000. - offices
  2. BHD 500, 110 Sq. Meter, Budaiya Highway#Commercial Space For Rent. - shops
  3. BHD 2000, 400 Sq. Meter, Budaiya#commercial Villa Unfurnished#400 SM@2000. - commercial villas
  1. BHD 375, 95 Sq. Meter, Budaiya Highway Office Avileble 95 Sm@375bd - offices
  1. BHD 800, 270 Sq. Meter, Budaiya#commercial Office@ 800 Without Ewa - offices
  2. BHD 400, 81 Sq. Meter, Budaiya#commercial Office Space# 81 Sm@400 Exclusive - offices
  3. BHD 1000, Budaiya - offices
  1. BHD 1200, 10 Sq. Meter, Commercial Shop Budaiya Highway @1200 - shops
  2. BHD 1800, 370 Sq. Meter, Budaiya Highway #4 Shutters Shop Available @1800 Without Ewa. - shops
  1. BHD 20000, Luxury Salon For Sale – Fully Equipped & Ready For Business
  2. BHD 1350, 220 Sq. Meter, Fully Equipped Beauty Saloon And Spa For Rent. - shops
  1. BHD 160, 26 Sq. Meter, Cold Store For Rent
    Abusaiba Area
  1. BHD 2500, 400 Sq. Meter, Staff Accommodation Includes EWA. Contact Jaffin At 34474489. - buildings
  1. BHD 1600, 300 Sq. Meter, Commercial Villa For Rent
    commercial villas
  1. BHD 120, Shop For Rent At Budaiya
  1. BHD 1000, 80 Sq. Meter, LARGE SHUTR FOR RENT 80 Sq Miter FOR NEW BUSINESS CALL 33887055 - (budaiya) - buildings

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