1. BHD 1300, 4Shutter Shop With Mezanin Floor 320 Square Miter Arya. In -(((Galali)))
  2. BHD 350, 1 Shutter Big Shop With Mezanin Floor Shop Size 11/3.8 M2 Square Miter In -((Galali))
  3. BHD 325, 1Shutter Big Shop For Rent With Mezzanine With Floor Shop For Rent In -(((Galali))
  1. BHD 120, Shop For Rent
  1. BHD 6000, Cafeteria For Sale In GALALI
  1. BHD 250, 30 Sq. Meter, 250 BD Spacious Shop For Rent In Prime Location - Galali, Bahrain
  1. BHD 1400, 4Shutter Shop For Rent With Mezanin Floor In -(((Galali)))
    @((( Galali)))

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