Short-term Housing Wanted Hara

  1. SAR 15001800, I Am Looking For Short Term 2 Bedrooms Apartment For 2 Moths In Hara , Murabba Or Malaz - (Hara, Malaz or Nearby -Riyadh)
  1. SAR 2000, Furnished, Looking For A Family Flat For 1 Month. (jan2025) - (Malaz, Hara, nearby)
  1. SAR 1000, Furnished, Looking Room For 2 Months
  2. SAR 800, Furnished, Looking Room For 2 Months - (Riyadh (Hara))
  1. SAR 1000, Furnished, Looking For Room For Short Term One Month Only - (Olaya,)
  1. 2BHK Fully Furnished - (Hara or Umm Al hammam)

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