Commercial Property Segaya

  1. BHD 1000, 120 Sq. Meter, SHOP FOR RENT IN SEGAYA(Mb.34028555) - (SEGAYA) - shops
  2. BHD 300, 85 Sq. Meter, For Rent New Office In Segaya Area Close To The Commercial Area.
  1. BHD 1300, Big Commercial Villa In Segaya
    commercial villas
  1. BHD 100, Shop For Rent - shops
  1. BHD 1300, Big Commercial Villa In Segaya
    commercial villas
  1. BHD 12000, Fully Equipped Flower Shop - shops
  1. BHD 1000, 650 Sq. Meter, Nursery Or Daycare - (SEGAYA / UMM AL HASSAM) - commercial villas
  1. BHD 300, 4 Rooms Store For Rent - warehouses

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