Businesses For Sale Sitra

  1. Restaurant & Catering Business For Sale, BHD 40,000/- - (Restaurant/Catering Business (Sitra) for Sale, BHD)
  1. FOR SALE: Car Wash Centre With Oil Changing, Tire Replacing, Showroom, Office, Toilets,etc
  2. For Immediate Sale: A CAR WASH And AUTO MECHANICAL WORKSHOP With A Showroom
  1. For Urgent Sale: CAR WASH & MECHANICAL WORKSHOP + Showroom Ideal For Selling Used Cars
  2. For Sale: A CAR WASH And AUTO MECHANICAL WORKSHOP Featuring A Showroom Ideal For Used Cars
  1. Cafeteria For Sale
  1. FOR SALE: Car Service Center, Approx Size 2000 Sqm (Car Wash, Mechanical/Electrical)
  1. FOR URGENT SALE: A Fully Equipped Car Wash Service That Includes Garage For Mechanical And
  1. Catering Kitchen

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