• Lemon peels have many benefits and uses. As per many researches, lemon peels may help in weight loss, boosting immunity, and having good skin and hair. It contains vitamin c, potassium, calcium, fibre, etc. All these come with numerous health benefits.
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• Lemon peel has different names in different languages. In Hindi, it is known as ‘niinbuu chhill’. In Marathi, it is called by the name ‘linbuuchii saal’. In Bengali, lemon peel is called ‘lebu chhal’. However, lemon peel has many such different names.
• Lemon peel powder is very helpful in fight acne. It contains vitamin C and antioxidants in large quantities. This helps in detoxification.
• Lemon peel powder is effective in fighting several bacterial and fungal infections. These infections may include the common cold, flu, etc.
• Lemon peel powder is also efficient in fighting diseases like obesity.
• Lemon peel powder helps in relieving constipation by improving digestive function.
• Lemon peel powder helps in obtaining shiny hair. It is used by many to improve the condition of hair. It also helps to get rid of dandruff.
MORE : https://www.theyoungchemist.com/detail/lemon-peel-powder.html