Seeking Groom (Practicing Muslim With B.Tech,B.E,Masters,BDS,MBBS)

Bride Details .
Age 27
Height 5'.4",
Complexion very Fair
Pursuing Ph.d Pharmacy (JNTUH Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad. Under the guidance a female Department Prinicipal ).
Maslak= Sunni.(hanafi)
Father Mirza Khader Baig
Retd Mech Engg South Central Railway
Mother- House Wife
3 elder Brothers (married)
01 Brother in KSA as Planning Enginner In Ma'aden Aluminium.
02 Brothers(01 brother Mech Engg & 01 brother MBA)
with Own BUSINESS as MN Auqa chem solutions in Water Treatment plants projects.(STP &ETP Commercial & Industrial Projects.)


Bride full hijabe and Able to maintain a balance life with deen & Duniya, respect to elders,well versed with house hold works.

Requirements In Groom (Educated & Deendar)
Graduate/Post Graduate holder.
Age 28-33 ,Height 5 .4" & above,
Need deendar Sunni Family
Business or Job Holder
In Hyderabad or Abroad
Shirk & Biddat And Ahle hadees kindly excuse
Father +91 9346326652(call or whatsApp)
Mother +91 73865 23795(only ladies)
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