SAR 1700, Bedroom Furniture (Double Bed,Dressing Table ,cupboard 6 Door And 2 Side Tables)& Fan

I want to sell my newly purchased Bedroom furniture that includes Double bed ; Cupboard 6 door; Dressing table ; 2 side tables and bed mattress and pedestal fan

Interested to sell the entire set only
You can contact me after 5 pm on weekdays and between 9 am to 9 pm on Friday and Saturday

On +966 542030836
Also my whatsapp number (+91 7600055309)

Please contact only if you are interested in buying
Jubail, Furniture, SAR 1700,  Bedroom Furniture (Double Bed,Dressing Table ,cupboard 6 Door And 2 Side Tables)& FanJubail, Furniture, SAR 1700,  Bedroom Furniture (Double Bed,Dressing Table ,cupboard 6 Door And 2 Side Tables)& FanJubail, Furniture, SAR 1700,  Bedroom Furniture (Double Bed,Dressing Table ,cupboard 6 Door And 2 Side Tables)& Fan