BHD 1800, Industrial Land With Boundary Wall For Lease In Ras Zuwaid 0.550 Fils Per Sqm

Industrial Land with Boundary Wall for lease in Ras Zuwaid 0.550 Fils per Sqm
? This Industrial Plot is located in Ras Zuwaid, Opp. ALBA , land area is 3312 Sqm , classified as LD , we are offering 0.550 fils per sqm. Total will be BD.1800/- per month . there is address card but no Electricity. Easy to ALBA, BAPCO, Sitra, Riffa etc.
Asker, Warehouses, BHD 1800,  Industrial Land With Boundary Wall For Lease In Ras Zuwaid 0.550 Fils Per SqmAsker, Warehouses, BHD 1800,  Industrial Land With Boundary Wall For Lease In Ras Zuwaid 0.550 Fils Per Sqm
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