Home based school (Home tution) available for kindergarden ,kG1, kG2 and kG 3 prepare for grade 1 also given turion Grade 1 to Grade 5 , by an experienced Pakistani female teacher with well teaching skills , as she have of teaching experience for pre primary and primary schools.
This school is for all nationalities children.
Admissions are open now.
# Grade 1 to Grade 5 will teach all subjects.
# 4 days in week.
# Will give daily Homework.
# daily lessons with EPL exercises and flash and matching card
# given activity base education system
# We will teach kids good manners sharing and team work.
# Pencil holding.
# Numbers Urdu,English sounds recognition, reading and writing
# Shapes , Colours , Fruits , Vegetables, Animals , Flowers, Transportation names and recognition.
# Drawing and Colouring.
# Art and Crafts.
# Rhymes.
# Spoken English.
# Work sheets.
# Hadiths/Duas
Special care and attention will be given to every child.
Location. Khober shumalia
Contact ladies only
Visit visa kids also welcome
Contact ladies only
Contact Number :
You can also contact through WhatsApp.